Noma’s New Chapter: Rene Redzepi’s Crown Jewel is Now a Test Kitchen

Discover what lies ahead for the three-Michelin-star restaurant.

Copenhagen’s Noma needs little to no introduction to the culinary industry; being one of the world’s most well-known restaurants, it is almost impossible to get a reservation at. Helmed by their brilliant chef and co-owner René Redzepi, Noma was voted The World’s Best Restaurant in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2021 for its evolutionary seasonal dishes and innovative fermentation techniques. The announcement of Noma’s end for the restaurant has evidently raised a few eyebrows – leading us on a quest to find out what René Redzepi has been hiding under his sleeves.

Although the reason for Noma’s closing was not properly disclosed, a statement on the restaurant’s website reads, “To continue being Noma, we must change.” So if you’re feeling regretful for not having dined at Noma yet, fret not as fine-dining enthusiasts will still get to savour the three seasonal menus; vegetable, forest and ocean till the end of 2024. 

Roasted reindeer tongue with a dipping sauce of oxidized wine. (Photo: @nomacph via Instagram.)

So what’s next for Noma? In this next phase of their journey, Noma has mentioned that they will bid farewell to the term ‘restaurant’ and would be transforming their current space into a giant lab – an experimental test kitchen dedicated to the innovation of food and development of new flavors while focusing on sustainability as a long term goal. Noma also added that they would be occasionally doing pop-ups around the globe — including their homeground of Copenhagen – to continue sharing their creativity with the world. Hence, Noma is by no means closing down but instead exploring new projects and products dedicated to the creation of food.

Over the years, Noma has transcended mere restaurant status, evolving into a symbol of innovation, creativity and culinary excellence. From pioneering fermentation techniques to redefining the concept of foraging, Noma has always been at the forefront of pushing the boundaries of food. With a history deeply rooted in experimentation and a relentless pursuit of perfection, it is primed to continue shaping the future of gastronomy.

But what does this new direction hold? Perhaps we’ll witness Noma delving even deeper into sustainable practices, championing environmental stewardship while tantalising taste buds with unparalleled flavour combinations. Maybe we’ll see the team collaborate with artisans and farmers from around the globe, celebrating diversity and cultural exchange through the universal language of food.

Whatever the future holds, one thing is certain: Noma will continue to captivate and inspire, leaving an indelible mark on the global culinary landscape. So, here’s to Noma – a beacon of innovation, a playground for the senses, and a testament to the transformative power of food. Cheers to what promises to be an exciting chapter in the saga of one of the most celebrated names in food and dining.