This Restaurant in Osaka Serves The World’s Most Expensive Sushi

Sushi Kirimon has created a record for the world's priciest sushi – but what is the reason behind its hefty price tag?

When it comes to Japanese cuisine, omakase is a dining experience that offers the very best of what a restaurant has to offer. From the ingredients to the order of dishes to the dining methods, every element indicates a thorough thought process. Considering how personalised the whole affair is, it comes as no surprise that omakase ranks among some of the most expensive and lavish dining experiences.

However, in 2022, an omakase restaurant dubbed Sushi Kirimon, located in Osaka, has achieved a remarkable feat by crafting the world’s most expensive sushi.

The record-breaking dish, known as Kiwami Omakase, features an ensemble of flavours and textures that has captivated food enthusiasts, accompanied by a hefty price tag of JP¥350,000 or approximately US$2,312 for 20 pieces of sushi. The meal mostly consists of thinly sliced raw fish, or nigiri, atop seasoned rice, along with sashimi and two skillfully rolled maki. The pièce de résistance is topped with a flourish of gold leaf, adding a touch of opulence to an already lavish creation. 

According to the Guiness World Record, the dish is created as a tribute to Washoku, which means ‘traditional Japanese cuisine’. It uses ancient and traditional techniques, and most ingredients come from across Japan, with a few coming from several other countries. For instance, the Matsutake mushrooms are imported from China, the black truffles make their way from Italy and the whale meat arrives from the North Atlantic Ocean. 

Prior to this, the title of the world’s priciest sushi belonged to a creation held by Filipino chef Angelito Araneta Jr back in 2010. His offering featured five diamond-studded nigiri pieces, cloaked in 24-karat gold leaf, priced at 91,800 Philippine Pesos (approximately USD 1,629). 

However, Sushi Kirimon’s opulent Kiwami Omakase has redefined luxury dining, proving that artistry and extravagance can truly blend in a bite-sized delight. If you’re seeking on a culinary journey like never before, the Kiwami Omakase comes close to a perfect ten.

Visit the restaurant’s website for more information.

Images: Sushi Kirimon