Festival Of Colours

Festival Of Colours Pramod Tiwari, India Instagram Spring, 2020India 26.4885822, 74.5509422 All of Rajasthan is a splendid canvas for Holi celebrations, but Udaipur’s festivity stands unmatched. Amidst its palatial backdrop, the vibrant colors and joyous spirit of the locals create an unforgettable experience. Photography Equipments: GoPro Hero 8

Three Rondavels

Three Rondavels Matthias Mullie, Belgium Instagram Autumn, 2017South Africa -24.559322, 30.8175897 South Africa’s Panorama Route has a lot of impressive waterfalls and vistas, but half of them were obscured by fog on our trip. Luckily, I guess, since that sped up our trip and we only reached the Three Rondavels just before it was getting…


Ngaben Narendra Dinata, Indonesia Instagram Autumn, 2024Indonesia -8.4095178, 115.188916 Ngaben, also known as Pitra Yadyna, Pelebon or cremation ceremony, is the Hindu funeral ritual of Bali, Indonesia. Ngaben is performed to release the soul of a dead person so that it can enter the upper realm where it can wait to be reborn or become…

El Cap Under The Moonlight

El Cap Under The Moonlight Jason Hogan, Ireland {Republic} Instagram Autumn, 2018United States 37.733931, -119.6376733 My friend and I were heading back home to San Francisco from Yosemite National Park late one night when we noticed that there was a very bright full moon out. As we drove we suddenly came across this view of…

Eye Of The Storm

Eye Of The Storm Alex Rose, United States Instagram Summer, 2016Indonesia -1.032046750338687, 130.5052175718387 Raja Ampat, Indonesia is one of the most spectacular locations for diving in the world, especially during bait fish season. The reefs are already some of the most lush and pristine anywhere on the planet, but in October, every underwater scene is…